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May 22, 2018

Media Researcher – often anonymous but rightly so.

Media researcher Undertaking media research often means signing a non-disclosure agreement. Being silent on research undertaken is important for many projects. Anonymous and rightly so It is understandable why this is the case. Many media companies spend years on specific…

May 15, 2018

Researcher at archives

An unusual job researcher... Archive researcher is an unusual job in many ways. Many will know I am based in the United Kingdom. Many of my clients need my archive researcher services from abroad so I never meet them. We…

January 25, 2018

World War Two Researcher

As a World War Two researcher over the past decade I have worked on a considerable number of aspects of the conflict. The main archives that I use as a World War Two researcher are the National Archives and the…

January 9, 2018

Refugee Research in 2018

Over the course of my career as a historical researcher I have focused intently on refugee research. Most recently I have been helping undertake refugee research for a book regarding a Jewish family that were separated as a consequence of…

January 5, 2018

Historical Researcher in 2017

As a historical researcher working in London and the United Kingdom I engage with many different topics and time periods at a variety of archives and libraries. This is owing to the fact that I work as a historical researcher…

January 3, 2018

History Research

Undertaking history research in London in the United Kingdom it is also important to me to spend some time exploring history research abroad. This year I decided to leave London for the summer and spend some time in Rome to explore…

April 27, 2015

Archival Researcher Website Update

Over the last few weeks I have taken a break from the archives to work on a website update my and consolidate several projects by undertaking some research organisation and analysis. As we researchers all know, the analysis has been…

April 2, 2015

Researching in London

It is around ten years since I began researching in London regularly to conduct historical research at the different libraries and archives. My first few times at the National Archives were the most challenging as I got firmly to grips with…

February 26, 2015

Sounds of the Cultural Quarter Update

The winter period has seen me busy in the archives as usual. People have really been motivated to follow up the history of the First World War since the anniversary had been highlighted in the media. Over the last few…

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